
eegg5nintendologoNintendo is one of the largest video game and video game console companies in the world. It has released 12 video game consoles including the Color TV Game , the Nintendo Entertainment System/Famicom, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System/Super Famicom, the Nintendo 64 , the Nintendo GameCube, the Wii, the Game & Watch, the Game Boy, the Virtual Boy, the Nintendo DS and the Nintendo DSi. Nintendo has released hundreds of the best selling games, such as Super Mario Bros, The Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros, Dragon Ball, Kid Icarus, Metal Gear and Metroid.

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19 Responses

  1. Now They Are Coming Out With A Nintendo Dsi It is Suposed to have 2 cameras and internet and also a noise thingy for like 170$ isn’t that awesome

  2. He is right. I heard about that too.

  3. I am a huge fan of nintendo things. Mario, Pokemon. I hope you get some good cheats soon! I like your blog by the way. Check out mine at
    P.S. Don’t put this in your spam because of the link above.

  4. yea it sound AWESOME! i wan’t it!

  5. I wouldn’t be surprise if Wii Fit was in schools soon considering some schools have Dance Dance Revolution in Gym/P.E.

  6. The dsi comes out April 5th!

  7. i cant wait till april3 when the dsi come oout in europe

  8. Nintendo rules!!! 😀 😀

  9. Nintendo rocks!!

  10. my buddy preordred it already! and he live in the UK!

  11. famicom is fun!

  12. ACCF IS ROL! (rock out loud!!!)

  13. I have the DSi! Its cool

  14. Hey Woton, I hope you know that Nintendo started out as a playing card company back in 1862 I believe. I don’t think the year is right, but it was in the 1800’s.

  15. Hey, Metal Gear is PlayStation not Nintendo. Yeah, he’s in SSBB but he’s PlayStation.

  16. There is a DS which is older then the lite, I have it – it’s basicly broken.

  17. Hey! Thanks for the nice blog. A great addition to the blogging community.

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